Our partnership with Amway

When Hans and Eva saw the AMWAY marketing plan for the 1st time in Australia, they had no idea of its incredible potential and where it would take them.

Hans was certain that the only way to success and true freedom was to have a business of his own. AMWAY offered everything that he expected of one’s own business: no risk, no big start-up costs, no fixed working hours and 100 % money-back guarantee on all products.
With a small child and great ambitions and hopes for the future, they paved the way toward an independent, self-employed future 30 years ago in a small mountain village (Wagrain) in Austria.

30 years ago, the market was young, the number of products was meager in contrast with today, and the AMWAY brand had a relatively low image profile that was nowhere near comparable to the reputation it has today as a renowned global corporation, which is why Hans and Eva asked themselves: “Why should we give up our secure jobs for something quite unknown?”
However, driven by the desire to achieve personal and financial freedom, they overcame every inner and outer hurdle, evolved and rose to the challenges they faced in building up a business.

Today Amway offers a large selection of prestige products. The corporation has a great public presence through its involvement in numerous charity activities, events and in sponsoring a large number of sport celebrities.

During the past years, Amway has also become a market leader in the direct selling industry worldwide. People are now also increasingly connected through social media so that many more Amway success stories can be shared.

Through the “Power of Partnership” between the Nusshold teams “AMWAY” and “Network TwentyOne”, they have 100+ Diamonds in 10 different countries and many more are in the process of growing!



*The above mentioned expressions “Emerald”, “Diamond” etc. are recognition levels in the Amway award system, which are bestowed in correspondence with the revenue generated in one’s Business Owner Network. If you would like to find out more, please contact the person that presented you this homepage and the business.

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